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Dr. DeBusk Answers Your Top Revision Rhinoplasty Questions

Woman during revision rhinoplasty consultation with facial plastic surgeon

Every facial plastic surgery procedure is a work of art, shaped by both the surgeon and patient—and sometimes, refinements are needed to achieve the desired results and optimal functionality. Revision rhinoplasty is the ideal refinement procedure if you are unhappy after a primary rhinoplasty.

Here, revision rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk answers 7 of the most common questions his Houston patients ask about this procedure.

Why do patients seek a revision rhinoplasty?

Patients often come to me for revision surgery because they are unhappy with the nose bridge or nose tip’s appearance after a previous rhinoplasty. 

If too much bone and cartilage were removed when the surgeon was refining the size and shape of the nasal column (the column between your two nostrils), then the bridge of the nose may sit too low to appear natural or attractive. This may even affect your ability to breathe normally. 

About 10% of rhinoplasty patients seek a secondary procedure.

The projection of the nose tip is the other common reason, as you may be left with an unnaturally elevated nose tip if you requested a “ski slope nose” or “upturned tip,” or if your surgeon was inexperienced. 

My goal is to consider your aesthetic vision and then work together to determine what is reasonably possible to achieve, and what would benefit your appearance the most. Keeping an open mind during the primary rhinoplasty consultation will likely help prevent the need for a revision, and similarly, realistic expectations for secondary rhinoplasty results will help you to feel pleased with the aesthetic outcome. 

How long do I have to wait before I revise my nose job?

I typically will not operate until you are at least one year post-op from your first surgery. Final results for rhinoplasty can take up to a year or more to be visible, mainly due to residual swelling, so we want to make our plan once the results of the first surgery fully manifest. 

In some cases where the swelling is more noticeable and bothersome, we can use steroid injections to help reduce these effects and wait and see the results after 12 months before moving forward with a secondary surgery plan. 

Can I get a liquid rhinoplasty before my revision?

No, I do not recommend getting a non-surgical “liquid rhinoplasty” if you want another nose job. We will need to delay surgery until the dermal filler fully dissolves, which can take anywhere from 6-18+ months.

However, we can use a liquid rhinoplasty technique as a temporary solution to correct minor imperfections if you are not a good candidate for (or don’t want) a revision rhinoplasty. You can maintain the results of a liquid rhinoplasty with touch-up injections or let the filler and its effects naturally dissolve over time.

Is revision rhinoplasty more complex than primary rhinoplasty?

Yes, and for several reasons. The natural soft tissue planes have been disrupted, and now there’s scar tissue to consider. These variables make the surgery largely unpredictable, as I won’t see the full scope of what needs to be addressed until I can examine the internal structures. This is why the open rhinoplasty technique is standard for revision surgeries; I need to see the complete nasal structure and what I have to work with to help you love your nose. From there, I work around the augmented anatomy from the primary surgery.

We can use liquid rhinoplasty with filler as a temporary solution for minor imperfections if you are not a good candidate for—or don’t want—another surgery.

One of the first things I tell patients considering a secondary rhinoplasty is there is a good chance we may need to borrow cartilage from an ear or rib to rebuild the shape and size to create a proportionate, attractive appearance. Without this step, we may not achieve optimal aesthetic or functional results. Bad nose jobs are easy to spot, chiefly due to insufficient cartilage to support a natural, balanced facial appearance. 

Is recovery time after a secondary rhinoplasty the same as the primary surgery?

Yes, the recovery after revision rhinoplasty is very similar to the initial surgery. It takes a little longer to see your final results, however—between 6-8 months after revision rhinoplasty. Final results for a primary rhinoplasty are typically visible about 4 months post-surgery. For both procedures, we consider the nose’s appearance at 12 months to be fully developed.

See real patients’ rhinoplasty before and after photos here »

When can I work out after revision rhinoplasty?

You’ll typically be cleared to resume your normal workout routine after 3 weeks:

  • Take it easy the first week after surgery and focus on following all postoperative instructions to help you heal and see results as quickly as possible. 
  • After 2 weeks, you can pick up the pace; however, avoid high-impact exercises or lifting anything over 15-20 lbs to prevent excessive swelling, which could prolong your recovery. 
  • Most patients should be able to workout unrestricted by that third week.

I’ll monitor your progress during follow-up visits and clear you for certain activities when your body is ready. 

How long does revision rhinoplasty surgery take?

Most revision surgeries take between 3-4 hours. The unpredictability of revision procedures and the potential for needing cartilage grafts extend surgery time, and the exact timing varies on a case-by-case basis.

In secondary rhinoplasty, there is a good chance that we may need to borrow cartilage from an ear or rib to create a proportionate appearance.

I prepare for best- and worst-case scenarios with each revision rhinoplasty, and I genuinely enjoy creating the best outcomes possible, knowing my patient trusts me to fix what was done or not done during their primary rhinoplasty. Achieving a natural and attractive nose appearance after it’s been previously augmented takes meticulous surgical skill and an eye for detail and beauty. It’s crucial that patients choose a facial plastic surgery specialist for any facial procedure, especially when seeking revision rhinoplasty. 

About Dr. Taylor DeBusk 

Dr. Taylor DeBusk is an ENT-trained facial plastic surgeon with specialized expertise in several face and neck procedures, including revision rhinoplasty. His patient-centered approach focuses on educating and guiding patients to a treatment plan that will create harmonious, natural-looking results, ultimately elevating their confidence and well-being. For a deeper understanding of revision rhinoplasty or to determine if this procedure would achieve your goals, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. DeBusk by calling (713) 799-2278 or contacting us online.

All procedures are performed in our on-site, state-of-the-art surgery center for your safety and comfort. We offer consultations at our two locations in the Galleria and uptown Houston area and Cypress for your convenience. 

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